Monday, September 6, 2021

Perspectives Exhibit at NOTSTOCK 2021

The Perspectives Exhibit is currently on display in the Flat Tail Press Gallery in the west staircase of the Minot State Student Center. The exhibit is open 8 a.m. until 9 p.m. 

When I was asked to curate this show, the first theme that came to mind was perspectives and it quickly took root. I couldn’t shake it loose. The Oxford Dictionary defines perspective as “a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view.” Points of view and experiences outside my own are a few of many things which have been on my mind quite a lot this past year and a half. This exhibition is an opportunity for you, the viewer, to walk this space, “walk in someone else’s shoes,” so to speak. View these works with intent. How can you relate to these pieces? More importantly, what can you learn from them? Now, more than ever, we need to see our world from someone else’s perspective.  - Sallie Mitchell 
Dan Koeck, Fargo, ND, “ND Landscape, Stark County.” Photography.

Dan Koeck, Fargo, ND, “ND Landscape, Stark County.” Photography.

Kate Borcherding, Huntsville, TX Suppression.” Lithograph, woodcut.

Kate Borcherding, Huntsville, TX Suppression.” Lithograph, woodcut.

Linda Whitney, Valley City, ND, “Masquerade Powwow…Thanks FS.” Mezzotint.

Linda Whitney, Valley City, ND, “Masquerade Powwow…Thanks FS.” Mezzotint.

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