NOTSTOCK would like to send a "BIG THANK YOU!" to
French Paper for sponsoring the event. Since all our NOTSTOCK artists use French Paper for their prints, we asked French Paper if they would supply the paper for this year's event. Brian French responded with an enthusiastic, "YES!" and here we are with less than two days until the event, ready to make some awesome art on French Paper.
Once again, I am so grateful to all those who help make this event possible. Thanks again, Brian French and
French Paper, and look for images of the prints created at this year's event on the blog in a few days. Gonna be great!
More About French Paper Co.Established in 1871, the
French Paper Company is a sixth-generation, family-owned American company. And after 140 years of continual operation, French has not only persevered in an industry notorious for corporate acquisitions, name changes and outright shutdowns, they’ve emerged as one of the strongest, most consistent paper brands around.
As one of the last remaining small, independent mills in America, French Paper takes their direction from customers, not corporate bean counters. They spend their days improving product lines instead of the bottom line. And when they talk about the quality of their stock, you can be sure they mean their papers, not shareholder value.
Long recognized for their iconic designer paper brands including Speckletone, Dur-O-Tone, Pop-Tone, and Construction, their impact on the design world has been enormous. Their environmental footprint, however, is tiny. French uses no petroleum in the manufacturing of their papers, and instead generates their own clean, renewable energy. Hydroelectric generators installed on-site in 1922 have saved over one million barrels of fossil fuel to date. And French was an early pioneer of recycled, 100% post-consumer, and other environmentally friendly sheets.
Today, French Paper continues to innovate by becoming the first mill to go beyond pulp to provide not only distinctive papers, but the equally amazing images to use on them. By offering the world's most extensive and highly regarded free digital design resource, French has created a powerful new means to enhance the work of creative people everywhere.